When non-Catholics start quoting Bible verses to "prove" that Catholic teachings aren't biblical, reach for this powerful Bible-based explanation and defense of the Catholic Faith! Where Is That in the Bible? shows you how to deflate standard objections to Catholicism - and how to use Scripture to bring people into (or back into) the Church. Veteran apologist and best-selling author Patrick Madrid gives you simple ways to: Show the true meaning of verses anti-Catholics twist to attack the Church Give Biblical answers to the most common questions that non-Catholics ask Catholics about the Church Explain exactly what the Bible teaches about the pope, priestly celibacy, the divinity of Christ, homosexuality, abortion, salvation, purgatory, the use of statues and icons, confession to a priest, baptism, and other issues often objected to by non-Catholics Interpret the Bible correctly, according to authentic Christian Tradition - and steer clear of common mistakes many people make when reading Scripture Share the riches of the Catholic Faith more effectively, especially with those who consider Catholicism to be "unbiblical."