Naruto, Vol. 15 is a manga that follows the story of Naruto Uzumaki, a 12-year-old ninja in-training. Twelve years ago, a powerful demon attacked his village and was defeated by the village champion, the Hokage. The demon's soul was sealed into Naruto's body, making him an outcast. Along with his classmates Sasuke and Sakura, Naruto works hard to become the best ninja he can be.
Twelve years ago, a giant fox demon with nine tails attacked the ninjya village of Konohagakure. Defeated by the Hokage, the village champion, the mighty demon's soul was sealed into the body of an innocent orphan child, Naruto Uzumaki. Now Naruto is a 12-year-old ninjya in-training, struggling to be the best with his classmates Sasuke and Sakura.