The Dragon Ball Z manga is a series of manga that follows the adventures of Son Goku and his friends. In the second half of the series, they are faced with an alien named Freeza who is trying to take over the world. They have to fight him to stop him.
R to L (Japanese Style)The second half of Toriyama's touchstone saga, Dragon Ball Z is the ultimate science fiction martial arts manga. After years of training and adventure, Son Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior, and his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the strikes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. And that means non-stop action as Goku, Gohan, time travelers, aliens, deities and the mighty Super Saiyans clash over the fate of the universe!
The Many Faces of FreezaAfter a razor-close call, Son Goku and company triumphed in rescuing the Dragon Balls from Freeza's evil claws. Now they must go head to head with one seriously ticked-off alien overlord! What's worse, Freeza's got a trick up his sleeve. He has the power to transform--not once, not twice, but three times--and with each new hideous face comes a massive power increase!With Goku recovering from his fight with Captain Ginyu, the gang must band together and hold Freeza off as long as they can. But even with all their power combined, the odds are in Freeza's favor. As the battle rages on, defeating Freeza seems more and more impossible. The only hope lies in the one thing Freeza fears--the legend of the Super Saiyan!