Milk Stout Beer Bottle 750ML

Castle Milk Stout is a dark, rich beer with strong hints of toffee, butterscotch, and coffee. It is made with a special yeast and has a smooth, easy drinking experience. more details
Key Features:
  • Dark, rich beer with strong hints of toffee, butterscotch, and coffee
  • Made with a special yeast
  • Smooth, easy drinking experience

R24.99 at 2 Shops

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Current Price: R24.99

Manufacturer Castle
Model Number 6003326003650
Castle Milk Stout is a dark, rich beer with strong hints of toffee, butterscotch, and coffee. It is made with a special yeast and has a smooth, easy drinking experience.

Castle Milk Stout is Africas premier stout. It is made using a dark roasted malt to extract a full-flavoured brew, and complemented by a creamy, smooth head that comes from a special yeast. . With strong hints of toffee, butterscotch and coffee, its natural bitterness is balanced by a rich taste. Needless to say, This milk stout Is not like any other beer. Its dark, rich flavours and quality roasted malt, makes it a beer to be savoured. This careful craftsmanship produces a smooth, easy drinking experience, every time. So pour, pause, sip and enjoy a Castle Milk Stout.
*Price includes crate and empty deposit
Bottle Size: 750ml I Alc: 6% I Origin:South Africa
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