Walker 18 Year Old

Johnnie Walker 18 Year Old is a whisky that has been aged for at least 18 years. It is made with whiskies that have been carefully chosen for their flavor and quality, and it has a blend of notes of citrus and fragrant almonds, with warm vanilla and a hint of tropical tangerines. When you are looking for a whisky to make an occasion or celebration extra special, Johnnie Walker 18 Year Old is an ex... more details
Key Features:
  • 18 year old
  • Made with whiskies of high quality
  • Blend of citrus and fragrant almonds, with warm vanilla and a hint of tropical tangerines

R1 799.99 from Mothercityliquor

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Current Price: R1 799.99

Manufacturer Johnnie
Model Number 4477465952279_31614650941463
Johnnie Walker 18 Year Old is a whisky that has been aged for at least 18 years. It is made with whiskies that have been carefully chosen for their flavor and quality, and it has a blend of notes of citrus and fragrant almonds, with warm vanilla and a hint of tropical tangerines. When you are looking for a whisky to make an occasion or celebration extra special, Johnnie Walker 18 Year Old is an excellent choice.

Johnnie Walker Aged 18 Years is made using whiskies that have matured for at least 18 years. Carefully chosen for their flavour and quality, these whiskies make for a wonderful combination of both classic and contemporary tastes blending notes of citrus and fragrant almonds, with warm vanilla and a hint of tropical tangerines.
When you're looking for a whisky to make an occasion or celebration extra special, Johnnie Walker Aged 18 Years is an excellent choice.
Bottle Size: 750ml
Alc: 43%
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