The headset has a USB interface and is designed for gaming. It has a moving coil speaker with a sensitivity of 110 dB and a frequency response of 20-20,000 Hz. It is rated for 20 mW of power. The microphone has a size of 6 x 5 mm and a sensitivity of -38 dB. The microphone has a frequency response of 20-16,000 Hz. The headset is directional and has an impedance of -rated voltage and rated input current.
- Interface: USB2.0
- Speaker specifications: moving coil type 50 mm
- Sensitivity: 110 +/- 3dB
- Frequency Response: 20 ~ 20KHz
- Rated Power: 20mW
- Speaker Impedance: 32Ohms +/-15%
- Microphone size: 6 x 5mm
- Microphone sensitivity: -38 +/-3dB (0dB =1V/PA)
- Microphone frequency response: 20 ~ 16KHz
- Directivity: omnidirectional
- Impedance: - Rated voltage: 5V +/- 10%
- Rated input current: