Gin 750ML

Porkbush Gin is a social responsibility craft gin brand that supports Wonderplant, a social enterprise that uplifts the community and works toward fighting climate change. For every bottle of Porkbush Gin sold, R10 goes to the Great Labyrinth of Africa project, also run by Wonderplant. Porkbush is a juniper forward dry gin that is distilled by Still 33 Distillery. The botanicals used in Porkbush G... more details
Key Features:
  • Supports Wonderplant, a social enterprise that uplifts the community and works toward fighting climate change
  • Juniper forward dry gin
  • Distilled by Still 33 Distillery

R399.99 from Mothercityliquor

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Current Price: R399.99

Manufacturer Porkbush
Porkbush Gin is a social responsibility craft gin brand that supports Wonderplant, a social enterprise that uplifts the community and works toward fighting climate change. For every bottle of Porkbush Gin sold, R10 goes to the Great Labyrinth of Africa project, also run by Wonderplant. Porkbush is a juniper forward dry gin that is distilled by Still 33 Distillery. The botanicals used in Porkbush Gin are juniper berries, fresh spekboom, lemon zest, cubeb pepper, coriander seeds, and color is porkbush is a contemporary dry gin. The complexity lies in the aroma and taste which features juniper and lemon with a soft spekboom scent, followed by a spicy cubeb and coriander flavor. The aftertaste features a fresh lemongrass and pine quality.

Porkbush Gin is a social responsibility craft gin brand.Porkbush Gin supports Wonderplant, a social enterprise that uplifts the community and works toward fighting climate change. The main botanical in our gin is Spekboom (Porkbush) and we buy the Spekboom we use in our gin directly from the growers of Wonderplant. In addition to this, for every bottle of Porkbush Gin sold, R10 goes to the Great Labyrinth of Africa project, also run by Wonderplant.
Porkbush is a fresh, spicy, juniper forward dry gin, distilled by Still 33 Distillery.
Juniper Berries (a carefully selected blend from Italy, the Balkans and Bulgaria)
Fresh Spekboom
Lemon zest
Cubeb pepper
Coriander seeds
Porkbush is a contemporary dry gin. Clear and to the point.
Complexity lies in the aroma and taste.
Porkbush is a juniper forward gin and so this is the first note of the aroma symphony, followed by the fresh lemon and soft spekboom scent. Spicy cubeb and coriander are less dominant than the fragrant lemon and spekboom which is accentuated as the alcohol continues to evaporate.
Juniper and Lemon are immediately identifiable. Then the spekboom adds a lemongrass and pine quality to compliment the juniper, followed by a soft earthiness. The cubeb completes the flavor experience with a spicy fresh aftertaste.
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