This is a set of incense that includes seven scents for the seven archangels. Monday's scent is Archangel Jofiel, Tuesday's scent is Archangel Samuel, Wednesday's scent is Archangel Gabriel, Thursday's scent is Archangel Raphael, Friday's scent is Archangel Uriel, Saturday's scent is Archangel Zadquiel, and Sunday's scent is Archangel Michael.
7 Archangel incense - 7 days - 7 Angels
An amazing set of incense
7 packs with 5 incense sticks in each pack
Michael - protector - Prince of Presence
Gabriel - Messenger of Divine Word
Rafael - Divine healer
Uriel - Light of Knowledge
Samuel - Prince of Adoration
Jofiel - Prince of Illumination
Zadquiel - Prince of Transmutation
Incense 7 Archangels Scent: 7 scents for the 7 Archangels Monday: Archangel Jofiel, scent thousand flowers Tuesday: Archangel Samuel, pink scent and honey Wednesday: Archangel Gabriel, sandal scent Thursday: Archangel Raphael, jasmine scent Friday: Archangel Uriel, cinnamon scent Saturday: Archangel Zadquiel, violet scent Sunday: Archangel Michael, scent arruda This box contains 7 cases of 5 sticks of incense for invocations of each day of the week. Powerful at the extreme but at the same time loving, archangels are the most powerful angels and their existence, fundamentally, is justified to help us, so we should not fear anything from them if we have a clear conscience. When, in a moment of darkening, we receive a flash of sudden inspiration, we receive the message of an angel who claims nothing more than to help us.