A Catholic Catechism

A Catholic Catechism
Follow Me................I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Soft Cover
14cm x 20.5cm
342 pages
This catechism has been prepared with a few aims in mind, namely: close reliance on the Catechism of the Catholic church and the Compendium; a simple language; reference t the African Context; the use of drawing and other catechetical tools to foster ... more details

R310.00 from Catholic Shop

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Manufacturer Unbranded
Model Number BK380
A Catholic Catechism
Follow Me................I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Soft Cover
14cm x 20.5cm
342 pages
This catechism has been prepared with a few aims in mind, namely: close reliance on the Catechism of the Catholic church and the Compendium; a simple language; reference t the African Context; the use of drawing and other catechetical tools to foster a deeper understading of the message.
The Catechism of the Catholic church and the Compendim are at the basis of this edition of this Catholic Catechism. Reference to both documents are made all the time, in the conviction that the Catchism of the Catholic church is the basic text for the catechesis today.
Aware that many Christians find it difficult to read the Catechism of the Catholic church, each topic is presented in a language that enable ordinary people to grasp the richness of the faith.
The faith that is proclaimed and lived, must touch every aspect of our life, and needs to be inculturated. In this perspective, reference are made ot the African culture and context, thus enabling the readers to see what is positive and good in the culture and also to understand the challenges of the Gospel messages.
The whole text is enriched with original drawings as a way of creating a dialogue between the catechist and the reader. At the same time, other catechetcial tools are presented at the end of each lesson, as a way of involving the reader in the journey of faith that is presentd and of linking it as much as possible, to life.
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