Aquinas - Pocket Prayer Book - Madonna Cover

This is a pocket prayer book with a Madonna cover. The book has 64 pages and includes prayers for morning, evening, and special prayers. The book is 6 cm wide x 8 cm high. more details
Key Features:
  • 64 pages
  • 6 cm wide x 8 cm high

R65.00 from Catholic Shop

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Current Price: R65.00

Manufacturer Unbranded
Model Number BK020
This is a pocket prayer book with a Madonna cover. The book has 64 pages and includes prayers for morning, evening, and special prayers. The book is 6 cm wide x 8 cm high.

Aquinas - Pocket Prayer Book -
Madonna cover -
These tiny but mighty books feature the world's most popular Catholic prayers.
Large enough type to be easily read, but small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.
This pocket book is a perfect prayer resource that can be ever at hand.
Has a section in the front for personalisation
paperback - book 6cm W x 8cm H
64 pages
Morning Prayers
Sign of the Cross
Glory be to the Father
Morning Offering to the Sacred Heart
Daily Consecration to Mary
Prayer to St Michael the Archangel
Spiritual Armor Prayer
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer of St Augustine
Psalm 130- De Profundis
Daily Prayers
Our Father
Hail Mary
Guardian Angel Prayer
Come Holy Spirit
Grace before meals
Grace after meals
Act of Contrition
The Angelus
Special Prayers
Act of Faith
Act of Hope
Act of Love
Serenity Prayer
Prayer Before Holy Communion
Prayer After Holy Communion
Prayer before a crucifix
The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
Prayer for the helpless Unborn
The Memorare
Prayers of the Sick
Marian Prayers
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Sub Tuum
Prayers to St Joseph
Novena Prayer to St Joseph
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Purity
Prayer to Saint Joseph
Prayers to the Saint
Prayer of St Francis of Assisi
Novena Prayer to St Jude
Prayer to St Benedict
Prayer to St Christopher - Patron of Travelers
Prayer to St Therese
Novena Prayer to St Anthony
Mysteries of the Rosary
Prayers of the Rosary
Prayers of the Church Year - Advent / Christmas / Lent / Easter / Pentecost
Psalm 23
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