The following is a description of the Catholic faith and practice of Eucharistic Adoration. Eucharistic Adoration is a practice in which Catholics focus on the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. They appreciate the gift of His presence and affirm their total dependence upon Him.
Come To Me In the Blessed Sacrament
Fr Vincent Martin Lucia
The blessed Sacrament is the living fountain of life where we drink in thelove of Christ who alone quenches our thirst to be loved.
Eucharistic Adoration is -
Awareness of the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Appreciation of the gift of His total presence among us in the Blessed Sacrament
Affirmation of His personal love for us in the Blessed Sacrament
Acknowledgement of our total dependancy upon Him, who is the "Vine" and we the "branches" with an
Attitude of centering our whole life in Him and His Holy Will.