The Essential Oil blend, "Compassion," contains several Scripture oils, including Melissa, Vetiver, Rosewood, Sage, and Frankincense. These oils are said to have qualities that can help to support compassion and grace, as well as psychological insight and healing. Lavender is also included as an energy balancer.
Compassion" - Anointing Oil
Compassionis a blend of aromatic oils that contain several of the Scripture oils.
Qualities of Essential Oils inCompassion Essential
Oil Blend
Melissa - an uplifting, lemon scented, natural anti-depressant
Vetiver - grounding, enhancing spiritual stability
Rosewood - helps to make room for compassion and grace
Sage - a smudge or cleanser of old energy and entities; enabling forgiveness to take place
Frankincense - aids psychological insight and healing; helps in understanding self and others
Sandalwood - enhances spirituality, opens the 3rd eye / pineal gland to see events and people spiritually, enhancing understanding and forgiveness
Lavender - Energy balancer
Rose - increases Divine love
Lemon - cleanses energy