The Lenten Card has the words "Year of Faith" on the front and the prayer "O Lord, be with me as I enter into the desert of Lent" on the back. It is 9x5 cm and is perfect for carrying around during Lent.
Lent Card
Remember, you are dust and to dust you will return.
Card measures 9cm x 5cm, perfect for wallet or purse. Carry this with you during our Year of Faith, season of Lent.
On the reverse of the Card is the following Lenten Year of Faith prayer:
O Lord, be with me as I enter into the desert of Lent. Please give me the courage, honesty and humility needed to recognise my own sins; and the strength, tears and firm resolve to overcome them.
Purify my heart O Lord and renew a steadfast spirit within me. May I turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel. Lord, I offer every little sacrifice of this holy season for the following intention(s)________________. May I remember throughout these 40 days that every little thing that I give up for love of You can become a spiritual gift for the good of others. By Your grace O Lord, help me to grow in virtue and holiness; may I enter deeper into a life of prayer, fasting and care for the poor.
O Chirst, true Bread of Life, may I hunger for You alone. Be my constant joy and delight as I seek to relinquish my appetites for this world and to be fed from above with faith, hope and charity. Lord, lead me through Your sorr0wful passion and death, that i may rejoice in Your resurrection. Amen.