The Message Of Ngome - Part 1

The Message of Ngome - Part 1
DVD - running time 1:00:45
The Message
1st Encounter. 22ndAugust 1955. Feast of The Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Shortly after Holy Communion, Mary stood before me, very close-by. Everything was seen in spirit. I was drawn into another atmosphere. Mary showed Herself in a wonderful light more beautiful than the sun. She was robed all in white, flo... more details

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The Message of Ngome - Part 1
DVD - running time 1:00:45
The Message
1st Encounter. 22ndAugust 1955. Feast of The Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Shortly after Holy Communion, Mary stood before me, very close-by. Everything was seen in spirit. I was drawn into another atmosphere. Mary showed Herself in a wonderful light more beautiful than the sun. She was robed all in white, flowing veil from top to toe. Upon Her Breast rested a big host surrounded by a brilliant corona radiating life. She was a living Monstrance.Mary stood upon the globe, hands and feet invisible. I felt like entering a cloud, drawn by Mary, away from the earth. I had my eyes closed but I saw so much light that, for several days, I was very much dazzled by the beauty and light that I had seen.
Mary said the following:
Call Me Tabernacle of The Most High. You too are such a Tabernacle, believe it. I wish to be called upon by this title for the glory of My Son. I wish that more such Tabernacles be prepared. I mean human hearts. I wish that the altars be surrounded by praying people more frequently. Dont be afraid. Make it know.
To whom?
Dont be afraid. Tell your priest.
2ndand 3rdEncounters
In October 1955, on two separate occasions, Sister Reinolda had similar encounters.
It happened immediately after Holy Mass. It was the same figure, the same place, the same requests were repeated but the following was added:
Make these Words known to everybody. Dont be afraid. You are Gods tool.
Then Christ came out of this big Host and was in union with Me.
4thEncounter 15thMarch 1956.
After Holy Mass, Mary stood before me ( serious). She said the following:
My child, I know about your anxiety
(She bent down and drew me to herself).
You asked for a sign?
Not for me, for the others, that they may believe. They do not believe me.
I wish that a Shrine be erected for Me in the place where seven springs come together. There Ill let My Graces flow in abundance. Many people shall turn to God.
WhenI asked Where is the place? without words She made a movement of the hand and pointed majestically upwards in a certain direction. This made me very happy and I felt a great assurance.
Dont be afraid. Make it known. It is My Work. I shall see you again.
5thEncounter, 5thJune 1956
3 monthslater, on the Feast of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, during Benediction of The Blessed Sacrament, Sister Reinolda had another vision. No message was given but Mary revealed Herself in a simple yet profound way.
She came out of The Monstrance and approached me as a living Monstrance.
6thEncounter 15thMarch 1957
Mary gave the following message:
I come to strengthen you. I make use of your nothingness. Be totally humble.
Pausing, She drew me to Herself and said:
I want to save the world through the Host, My Fruit. I am completely One with the Host as I was One with Jesus under the Cross Fearful things are in store for you unless you convert.
I asked:We?
Yes, if the religious do not convert and if the world does not convert
Mother, just give me a sign
You be all Love and readiness. All people who hear and believe these, My Words, are going to receive a sign from Me. Make all these Words known.
7thEncounter. 24th May 1957
Consolingly, Mary appeared to Sr. Reinolda 2 months later. The following words were clearly heard:
Dont loose heart!
(In December 1957 when visiting Ngome, Sisiter Reinolda got a strong urge that this was the place Our Lady wanted Her Shrine erected the place where seven springs met.)
8thEncounter. 17thApril 1958
Like a command, Mary said:
Go to your place. Hurry up, the hour is advanced. I must keep back the streams of Grace with force because you do not make any effort to help Me. I am asking for help from you, My chosen ones.
What are we supposed to do?
Be hosts. Prepare hosts for Me. Hosts who put themselves completely at My disposal. Only a flaming sea of hosts can drive back the hate of the godless world and retrain the angry Hand of the Father. Dont get tired. I find consolation in revealing Myself to you. I shall never abandon you.
Where is the place of the springs?
On your property,
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