The Gin OriGinal is a woodstock legend inspired by Albert. It is a traditionalist gin with a rebel twist. It is full-bodied and has strong juniper flavors with hints of rose geranium and wild rosemary. The gin has a smooth, elegant taste with lasting notes of buchu and citrus. The Gin OriGinal is available in 750ml bottles and is 43% ABV.
This Woodstock legend inspired 399 on Albert. Where myth meets truth, where traditionalist meets the rebel. Because when you dig deep, you always find a treasure as we did in our perfectly balanced original grape-based gem of a gin.
Tasting note: A very smooth, elegant and full-bodied gin with strong juniper flavours punctuated by hints of rose geranium and wild rosemary that lead to lingering notes of buchu and citrus.
Bottle size: 750ml
Alc: 43%