The product is a gel that is meant to be used as a cleanser. It contains hyaluronic acid, which is a moisturizing agent, and other ingredients that are meant to help make the skin soft and delicate. The gel is also meant to clear the skin and leave it hydrated. Additionally, the gel is meant to be used as a moisturizer, and it is specifically formulated to be gentle enough to be used on the skin's deepest layers.
Perfect cleansing Natural effect The special component Also nourishes your skin
The main ingredient hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid It has a variety of moisturizing ingredients for making your skin soft and delicate
Moisturizing Gently clears your skin and leaves it hydrated
Moisturizing to deep layers Due to water rich of hyaluronic acid Only the best ones Glycerin hyaluronic acid
skin is fresh and tight hyaluronic acid hydrates and nourishes your skin for its radiant look