The Santa Clause is a 2003 American Christmas comedy film directed by Tim Allen and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. It is based on the 1997 novel of the same name by Don Reo. The film tells the story of Scott Calvin (Allen), a toy company executive who is forced to take over the job of Santa Claus when he and his son Charlie witness the previous incumbent fall off a roof. Soon, Scott finds himself putting on weight, growing a white beard and fulfilling his obligation to deliver presents to all the children around the world. He even finds himself reluctantly getting into the spirit of things!
Tim Allen stars as Scott Calvin, a cynical toy company executive
who is forced to take over the job of Santa Claus when he and his
son Charlie witness the previous incumbent falling off a roof. Soon
Scott finds himself putting on weight, growing a white beard and
fulfiling his obligation to deliver presents to all the children
around the world. He even finds himself reluctantly getting into
the spirit of things!