This is a value starter pack of three different Crystal Aire concentrates. The concentrates are made from natural extracts and pure essential oils, and are non-toxic and alcohol-free. They add a fresh, pleasant odor to the air, and are effective at removing unpleasant odors. These concentrates are safe to use in all Crystal Aire Purifiers, but are not recommended for diffusers.
A value starter pack consisting of 3 x 30ml assorted concentrates (Eucalyptus, Ocean Mist and Vanilla). These extra strength fragrances are made from natural extracts fragrances and pure essential oils. They are non toxic and alcohol free, they are antifungal and antibacterial. They add a fresh pleasant odour to the air while removing unpleasant odours. These range of concentrates are recommended and safe to use in all the Crystal Aire Purifiers, as they are water soluble and will not stain, corrode or damage your machine. Not recommended for diffusers.