43 Oak Wooded Gin

43 Oak Wooded Gin is a whisky that is aged using reclaimed Oak wine staves. This gives the whisky a smooth caramel flavor with a subtle earthy spiciness. The Juniper like a Lumberjacks axe in a forest sapling. Enjoy over ice or with your favorite Indian tonic. The nose has smoky, deep and rich notes with hints of juniper evident. The citrus and peaty notes are dark smelling and woody with some hin... more details
Key Features:
  • Aged using reclaimed Oak wine staves
  • Smooth caramel flavor with a subtle earthy spiciness
  • Juniper like a Lumberjacks axe in a forest sapling

R389.99 from Mothercityliquor

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43 Oak Wooded Gin is a whisky that is aged using reclaimed Oak wine staves. This gives the whisky a smooth caramel flavor with a subtle earthy spiciness. The Juniper like a Lumberjacks axe in a forest sapling. Enjoy over ice or with your favorite Indian tonic. The nose has smoky, deep and rich notes with hints of juniper evident. The citrus and peaty notes are dark smelling and woody with some hints of caramel. The whisky smells like Christmas - a vanilla whisky flavoured Christmas pudding! The palate has rooty earthy soil. Hints of star anise, warm and woody. Hints of spicy, earthy caramel flavors, rich warm and subtle juniper. Whisky peaty flavors are coming through at the back of the palate. The finish is robust powerful and full bodied. Rich and balanced. The woody notes are at the end and leaves you with lingering peaty juniper flavors. Hints of peaty woody whisky are present. The bottle size is 750ml.

Unit43Oak WoodedGinis aged using reclaimed Oak wine staves, imparting a smooth caramel flavour, with a subtle earthy spiciness, that opens up the Juniper like a Lumberjacks axe in a forest sapling! Enjoy over ice or with your favourite Indian tonic.
Nose:Smoky, deep & rich - hints of juniper evident on the back of the nose.Citrus & peaty.Dark smelling & woody with some hints of caramel. Smells like Christmas - a vanilla whisky flavoured Christmas pudding!
Palate:Rooty earthy soil. Hints of star anise, warm & woody. Hints spicy, earthy caramel flavours, rich warm and subtle juniper. Whisky peaty flavours coming through at the back of the palate. Great wintergin.
Finish:Robust powerful & full bodied. Rich & balanced. Woody on the finish and back of the mouthWhisky flavours at the end leaves you with lingering peaty juniper flavours.Hints of peaty woody whisky.
Bottle Size: 750ml
Alc: 43%
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