The Microlab G6 Pro Gaming Headset is an omni-directional gaming headset that features a 50mm high precision loudspeaker, a noise-canceling microphone, and a retractable headband. The headset is powered by a USB port and features blue LED lights. The headset is designed to provide a wider and more vivid sound field, with clear and thorough sound quality and shocking and dynamic sound effect. The headset is also designed to allow players to easily communicate various game instructions, easily pass the game levels, and features an intelligent integrated wire control device.
G6 is an omni-directional gaming headset for your furious battling in the game. The 50mm high precision loudspeaker brings a wider and more vivid sound field, with clear and thorough sound quality and shocking and dynamic sound effect, allowing you to enter the realistic game battlefield and experience the full game pleasure. Noise-canceling microphone allows players to quickly and clearly communicate various game instructions,easily pass the game levels.
-Retractable headband adapts to different head types
-Microphone can rotate 120 degrees
-Blue LED lights powered via USB
-Intelligent integrated wire control device,volume adjustment, microphone, headset control