Shenmue III is an upcoming video game for the Playstation 4. It is the third installment in the Shenmue series, and is set in an immersive representation of rural China. The game follows the story of Ryo Hazuki, an 18-year-old Japanese martial artist who seeks to solve the mystery behind the Phoenix Mirror.
One of the most anticipated video games in history, from legendary game
developer, Yu Suzuki.
Play as Ryo Hazuki, an 18-year-old Japanese martial artist hellbent on
avenging his father's death.
In this third installment of the epic Shenmue series, Ryo seeks to
solve the mystery behind the Phoenix Mirror, an artifact sought after
by his father's killer. His journey takes him to an immersive
representation of rural China, brimming with activity and surrounded by
beautiful landscapes.
Ryo's adventure leads him to towns and mountain villages where he can
further his training, try his hand at gambling, play arcade games, and
work part-time jobs while investigating those who know truth behind the
Phoenix Mirror.
Epic Adventure
Immerse yourself in the stunning and magical world of Shenmue.
Living, Breathing World
Explore inside and outside buildings, take on part-time jobs, play
arcade games, and interact with local inhabitants of beautiful Chinese
Martial Arts Action
Put your training and upgraded skills to the test via intense free
battles and intense Quick Time Events.
Solve the Mystery
Converse with a colorful and diverse cast of characters and follow
leads from those who hold the answers to the mysterious Phoenix Mirror...