The Apple Watch Series 6 is a smartwatch that has a number of features that are designed to improve the quality of life for its users. The watch has a bright Always-On Retina display that is 2.5x brighter than previous models, a GPS and Cellular model, and a blood oxygen sensor that can be used to monitor the health of its users. The watch also has a number of other features, including notifications for high and low heart rate, the ability to check your heart rate anytime with the app, and emergency SOS capabilities. The watch is also swimproof and has a built-in compass. The Series 6 is up to 20% faster than the Series 5 and can detect if you have taken a hard fall. The watch also tracks your daily activity and trends to provide a better understanding of your health.
The future of health is on your wrist.Measure your blood oxygen level with a revolutionary new sensor and app.With Apple Watch Series 6 on your wrist, a healthier, more active, more connected life is within reach.
- The Always-On Retina display is 2.5x brighter
- GPS and Cellular model
- Measures your blood oxygen ( when mentioning blood oxygen always use the disclaimer)
- Get notifications for high and low heart rate.
- Check your heart rate anytime with the app
- Emergency SOS lets you get help from your wrist ( + disclaimer )
- Swimproof design ( + disclaimer)
- Built-in compass
- S6 SiP is up to 20% faster than Series 5
- Can detect if you've taken a hard fall
- Track your daily activity and see your trends.