The adult jigsaw puzzle is a 500-piece puzzle that celebrates the feminine, life, community, family, and oneness. It is also infused with the frequency of unconditional love, and all Soul Puzzles' branded products are tools of meditation and mindfulness. The puzzle is available at
Joyful Movement :
A dance to celebrate the Devine feminine, life, community, family & Oneness. A joyful expression of peace & harmony.
We, at Soul Puzzles, proudly present our FIRST set of cardboard standard grid puzzles!!! A joyous celebration of the culture and celebrations of the Indian diaspora worldwide. Join us in a profound prayer of appreciation for all that IS!
These vibrant images are infused with the frequency of unconditional Love manifest in God & Dog.
All of Soul Puzzles' branded products are tools of meditation & mindfulness with a full range of channeled voice guided meditations and discourses made FREELY available as a podcast @ Podbean.
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