Clank In Space Apocalypse is an expansion for Clank!, a deck-building adventure game. The expansion requires Clank! In! Space! to play. The expansion features a new game board module and 35 adventure deck cards. The expansion also includes 8 large scheme cards and 1 haldos boss marker.
Clank In Space Apocalypse
The deck-building adventure of Clank! In! Space! continues in Clank! In! Space! Apocalypse! Small pockets of resistance continue to oppose Lord Eradikus, but the evil cyborg now plots to wipe them out with one grand and wicked scheme!Your challenge? Thwart the efforts of Lord Eradikus! Reap the rewards of noble (and sometimes reluctant) heroism! Save the galaxy...and get rich in the process! Maybe you can avert the Apocalypse! (Or at least escape with the treasure while someone else does!) This expansion requires Clank! In! Space! to play.Game Box Contains:2 Double-sided Game Board Modules35 Adventure Deck Cards8 Large Scheme Cards1 Haldos Boss Marker