Gemini Ac Slider Transformer 110V

The Gemini AC Slider Transformer 110V is a transformer suitable for the Gemini AC Slider operators. It is suitable for use with the Gemini AC Slider Gate Motor, and has an input voltage of 230VAC and an output voltage of 17VAC. The product dimensions are 100mm(L) x 60mm(W) x 50mm(H) and the product weight is 350g. The packaging dimensions are 170mm(l) x 85mm(w) x 60mm(h) and the mass of the unit p... more details
Key Features:
  • Suitable for use with the Gemini AC Slider Gate Motor
  • Input voltage of 230VAC and output voltage of 17VAC
  • Product dimensions are 100mm(L) x 60mm(W) x 50mm(H) and product weight is 350g

R515.00 from IOTREND

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Current Price: R515.00

Brand Gemini
Manufacturer Gemini
Model Number GA88-22
The Gemini AC Slider Transformer 110V is a transformer suitable for the Gemini AC Slider operators. It is suitable for use with the Gemini AC Slider Gate Motor, and has an input voltage of 230VAC and an output voltage of 17VAC. The product dimensions are 100mm(L) x 60mm(W) x 50mm(H) and the product weight is 350g. The packaging dimensions are 170mm(l) x 85mm(w) x 60mm(h) and the mass of the unit packed is 400g. The warranty is 12 months, and the warnings and limitations are that installation must be done by a suitable qualified technician and that under no circumstances may any of the components be modified.

Product Code: P05861The Gemini AC Slider Transformer 110V is suitable for the Gemini AC Slider operators.Applications Gemini AC Slider Gate MotorSpecifications
110V Power Supply
Transformer for motor type
Gemini AC Slider Gate Motor
Input voltage
Output voltage
Product dimensions
100mm(L) x 60mm(W) x 50mm(H)
Product weight
Packaging dimensions
170mm(l) x 85mm(w) x 60mm(h)
Mass of unit packed
12 Months Manufacturers warranty
Warnings and limitations Installation must be done by a suitable qualified technician Under no circumstances may any of the components be modifiedWhat's in the box1 xGemini AC Slider Transformer 110V P05861
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