The story follows Matt Duggan, a teacher in Balbriggan, Ireland, who is forced to take care of a German pilot after he is shot down in Rathisland. Matt and the pilot, Josef, become friends and Josef teaches Matt about the Nazi regime. Josef dies in captivity, prompting Madeleine to leave Ireland and Matt to grow up.
The year is 1942, and young Balbriggan teacher Matt Duggan takes up a job in the small town of Rathisland, Ireland. His leisured parochial world detonates when a German Stuka crash-lands in the local bog and pilot Josef is sheltered by local Nazi sympathizers before being turned in by whistle-blower Matt, who'd found his love interest canoodling with the manly Kraut. The prisoner's death in captivity impels Madeleine's flight to England and Matt's emotional growth.