Betty J. Eadie's story is about her death and what happened after she died. She saw more than anyone else has seen before and shares her recollections of the remarkable details. Her journey offers a simple message that can transform our lives today.
On the night of November 19, 1973, following surgery, thirty-one-year-old wife and mother Betty J. Eadie died.... This is her extraordinary story of the events that followed, her astonishing proof of life after physical death. She saw more, perhaps than any other person has seen before and shares her almost photographic recollections of the remarkable details. Compelling, inspiring, and infinitely reassuring, her vivid account gives us a glimpse of the peace and unconditional love that awaits us all. More important, Betty's journey offers a simple message that can transform our lives today, showing us our purpose and guiding us to live the way we were meant to -- joyously, abundantly, and with love.
From the Trade Paperback edition.Embraced by the Light is an inspirational map of the afterlife framed in the moment of Eadie's death, and presents a possible answer to the big question, "Why are we here?" An easy read, its subtitle could have been "The Average Person's Guide to Near-Death Experiences." Although heavily filtered through Eadie's Christian worldview, her vision of the afterlife does not include a wrathful deity, but a figure of love and compassion. Some readers may find Eadie's repeated Christian references bothersome, and
Embraced by the Light will undoubtedly raise a lot of questions along the lines of "What about reincarnation?" and "What happens to people who are not Christians?"
--Brian Patterson