This excerpt from the article, "Single Mothers In International Context: Mothers Or Workers? Maynooth Bicentenary Series" discusses the different ways that single mothers are viewed in different parts of the world. Some view them as mothers only, while others view them as workers. The article also discusses how these views impact state policies towards single mothers, the structure of the labor market, and neighborhood supports and constraints.
Single mothers caring for dependent children are an important and increasing population in industrialized countries. In some, single mothers are seen primarily as mothers and few have paid work; in others, they are regarded as workers and most have paid work; and sometimes they are seen as an uneasy combination of the two with varying proportions taking up paid work.; This edited collection explores these variations, focusing on the interaction between dominant discourses around single motherhood, state policies towards single mothers, the structure of the labour market at national and local levels, and neighbourhood supports and constraints.