The Gaia Organics Extreme Uv Sunblock 30+ 100ML is a safe and effective product for use on babies and children. It is non-waterproof and will require re-application, but the SPF is adjustable by a factor of 5 with each light reapplication. The product contains a specially formulated low oxidation-potential aqueous cream base, purified water, zinc oxide, green tea extract, black tea extract, colloidal silver, comfrey allantoin, aloe, Centella & kombucha extracts (selenium), cold-pressed sesame & coconut oils, d-panthenol, PABA (B-complex factor), vitamins C & E, MsulphurM, and essential oils of lavender, patchouli & German chamomile. The Knysna Health website does not provide medical advice, and the use of information found on the website is at the user's own risk.
Gaia Organics - Extreme UV Sunblock
A specially formulated low oxidation-potential aqueous cream base; Purified water, green tea extract, black tea extract, comfrey allantoin, Centella & kombucha extracts (selenium); cold-pressed sesame & coconut oils; d-panthenol; PABA (B-complex factor); vitamins C & E; MSM.
The contents of the Knysna Health website shall not be regarded as medical advice, or a basis from which to make medical decisions. The use of information found on this site is completely your responsibility and at your own risk. Our recommendation is that if you have health concerns that you feel unsure about how to deal with, that you contact your trusted health professional for personalized advice.