Bristle Magic is a brush cleaner and reconditioner that is non-toxic, biodegradable, sustainable, and non-flammable. It can be used on most paint types and can even remove dried-on oil or acrylic paint.
Bristle Magic is a non-toxic brush cleaner and reconditioner from
the US. Perfect for those who have invested in good quality brushes
- this will extend their life and keep them feeling like new. It
cleans most paint types, and can even remove dried-on oil or
acrylic paint! - Non-toxic - Biodegradable - Sustainable -
Non-flammable - No-fumes - Recycled Artists Love This Stuff! How
to Use Bristle Magic Cleaner and Reconditioner 1. Wipe excess
colour from your brush with a cloth. If you are using waterbased
paint rinse with water. 2. Add Bristle Magic to an empty container
and dip your brush in the solution. If the paint is still wet work
the brush into the cleaner to remove the colour. If the paint is
partially dry leave the brush to soak for a while before cleaning.
3. When your brush is free of colour remove from the cleaner and
rinse with soap and water. 4. Allow the sediment to settle and pour
off the remaining cleaner for re-use.