The Super Moon Adventure HQ Rocket is a two-in-one toy that transforms from a rocket to a Pj Masks headquarters. The toy includes a decorative computer console and vehicle launcher, and is packed with action-packed play. In headquarters mode, preschoolers can imagine their next mission with the decorative computer console, then carry out their plans by launching Catboy's car with a lever. When the toy is closed, it becomes the Pj Masks rocketship, just like in the show. Girls and boys ages 3 and up will have a blast with this Pj Masks toy.
2-In-1 Fun: The Pj Masks 2-In-1 Hq Convertible Playset Transforms From A Rocket To A Multilevel Pj Masks Headquarters Complete With Decorative Computer Console And Vehicle Launcheraction-Packed Play: In Headquarters Mode, Preschoolers Can Imagine Their Next Mission With The Decorative Computer Console, Then Carry Out Their Plans By Launching Catboy'S Car With A Leverhq Rocket Mode: When The Playset Is Closed, It Becomes The Pj Masks Rocketship, Just Like In The Show! Girls And Boys Ages 3 And Up Will Have A Blast With This Pj Masks Toy