The N-Town Play is a collection of 41 plays that were written in Middle English. The plays dramatize divine history from Creation to Doomsday and illustrate ways of reading, supplementing and altering biblical accounts. The collection is rich in textual information testifying about the alteration and expansion of the text. The language of the plays advance knowledge of the history of English. The plays provide instructions in the fundamental elements of medieval Christianity and explain much about forms of consolation and self-fortification that were available in the late Middle Ages.
These volumes are one of the four extant Middle English cycles of mystery plays. A collection of unknown origin, N-Town contains forty-one plays, dramatizing divine history from Creation to Doomsday and illustrating ways of reading, supplementing and altering biblical accounts. The
collection is rich in textual information testifying about the alteration and expansion of the text. The language of the plays advance knowledge of the history of English. The plays provide instructions in the fundamental elements of medieval Christianity and explain much about forms of consolation
and self-fortification that were available in the late Middle Ages.