The tincture is a cold, alcohol extract of the leaves of the moringa tree. It is a concentrate of the leaves and can be added to water or iced tea to gain the benefits of the moringa tree. The ingredients include extract of the moringa folio, phytoactives such as rhamnose, selenium, niazimicin, pottasium, vitamins A, B1, B3, C, E, iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, and zinc, and benzyl alcohol.
Our Moringa leaf tincture is a cold, alcohol extraction. This is a concentrate of the Moringa leaves and can be added to water or iced tea to gain the benefits of the moringa tree.Specifications10 drops morning and night, under tongue, or in a glass of water or fresh juice.IngredientsExtract Moringa Folio; phyto Actives: Rhamnose: Selenium: Niazimicin: Pottasium: Vitamins A, B1,B3, C, E: Iron;Calcium,; Magnesium;copper;Zinc. Benzyl Alcohol