The HTC Vive Pro 2 Headset is a next-generation VR headset that offers sharper, more precise graphics and sound than previous headsets. It is also purposeful and pragmatic in its ergonomics, delivering smooth and comfortable immersion. The VIVE Pro 2 Headset does not include controllers, base stations, or the VIVE wireless adapter, but is instead intended for use with the Viveport subscription service.
VIVE Pro 2 Headset - Sharp. Precise. Immersive.
Next-level graphics and sound for riveting PC-VR. Purposeful and pragmatic ergonomics delivers smooth and comfortable immersion.
Introducing the VIVE Pro 2 . Upgrade your headset setup with the highly anticipated sequel to the award-winning VIVE Pro series.
***VIVE Pro 2 Headset does not include controllers, base stations or VIVE wireless adapter.