This is a description of a Extra-large Convoluted eggbox mattress topper, which is a type of mattress topper. It is made of foam and is designed to be a soft sleeping surface that promotes air circulation and can improve blood flow. It is also portable and can be taken wherever it might be needed.
Convoluted/Eggbox mattress toppers are a wonderful addition to any mattress. They are great for making your existing mattress a bit more comfortable and can breathe new life into an old mattress.They provide a soft sleeping surface that promotes air circulation, in addition, the foam's peak-and-valley design can improve blood flow by decreasing pressure on the skin, especially at pressure points such as shoulders and hips.These toppers assist with pressure relief and are brilliant for people who spend long hours in bed due to illness, recovering from a procedure or are in bed for long hours due to age. They are also portable and can be taken wherever they might be needed. Manufactured in SA. Thickness: 50mm. Please note, this mattress topper cannot fix or replace an old or sagging mattress