The Deebow Neo-Helios Pro LED is a 24-hour light cycle LED light that is designed to mimic the natural light cycle of a water plant. It comes in two sizes, the DEE-H3-1 for 30 watts and the DEE-H3-2 for 60 watts. It also has a built-in fan to help keep the light cool, and a variety of colors to choose from.
Deebow Neo-Helios Pro LED
Charming Design
Natural Color Performance
Premium water plant growth spectrum
Comes with controller
24hr Light Cycle
Day > Dusk > Midnight > Dawn
Extra Large Built-in Fan
AL911 Deebow DEE-H3-1 Neo-Helios PRO Plant (30W) (20cm-35cm)
AL912 Deebow DEE-H3-2 Neo-Helios PRO Plant (60W) (40cm-60cm)