The product is a NO3:PO4-X algae management system that helps to reduce nitrate and phosphate levels in the water. It is recommended for use with carbon based de-nitrators and can be used in conjunction with other products to help maintain a healthy ecosystem. The product comes in 500ml and 2ml doses and should be reduced daily.
Red Sea NO3 PO4-X NOPOX Algae Management
Red Sea NO3:PO4-X (NOPOX) Contains a unique complex of carbons that are used by nutrient-reducing bacteria. Each carbon is utilized by different strains of microorganisms while maintaining the specific Carbon: Nitrogen: Phosphorus ratio required for each stage. The complex includes other organic bonded elements that are important stimulators in each stage of the reduction process. These metal and non-metals elements ensure steady bacterial propagation and complete nitrate reduction to nitrogen gas and the absorption and utilization of phosphate by the bacteria.
The fine control of the nitrate and phosphate levels provided by monitored dosing of NO3:PO4-Xguarantees the gradual changes and accurate maintenance of the nutrient levels, preventing destruction of the zooxanthellae population that can cause UV shock and starvation of the corals.
Unlike some other low-nutrient regimes, correct use of NO3:PO4-X will maintain all of the beneficial micro fauna.
NO3:PO4-X is also recommended as a complete carbon source for use with carbon based de-nitrators.
NO3:PO4-X, available in 500ml and also includes a measuring cup for easy dosing.
2ml per 100 liters but should be reduced daily.