The product is Aqua Design Amano's Green Brighty Nitrogen (300ml). The product is designed to help with the growth of plants and to improve the color of leaves. The product comes with a basic dosage of 1 pump per 20 liters, but it is recommended that users double or triple the dosage depending on the plant's growth.
ADA Green Brighty Nitrogen
Aqua Design Amano Green Brighty Nitrogen (300ml). The color of leaves and the growth of plants tend to get thinned or suppressed if a lack of nitrogen occurs. Supplying nitrogen to the planted aquarium improves the color of leaves and the growth of plants. (It does not include phosphate (PO4) that often triggers algae).
Dosage: The basic dosage of the new Brighty series is 1 pump (1ml) for every 20 liters.
Please double the dosage depending on the plant's growth.
Size: 300ml