The Trappe Dubbel 330ML is a dark Trappist ale brewed by La Trappe. It has a fruity aroma with dark tones of vanilla, caramel, and roasted chocolate. The taste is full of malt and caramel, with a subtle influence of dates, honey, and dried fruits. The aftertaste is sweet and lightly bitter. The 330ml bottle size is 7% ABV and originates from the Netherlands.
La Trappe is genuinely brewed ale. But it tastes of more than that. When you taste it carefully, you recognise the most important ingredient that is inextricably connected to the monks. The tranquillity.
Colour:Dark brown with ivory-coloured head.
Aroma:Fruity aroma with dark tones of vanilla, caramel and roasted chocolate.
Taste:La Trappe Dubbel is a classic, dark Trappist ale with a full malty, caramel-sweet taste and a subtle influence of dates, honey and dried fruits.
Aftertaste:Sweet and lightly bitter.
Bottle Size: 330ml I ABV: 7% I Origin: Netherlands