Our Moments Kids Card Game

Our Moments is a card game that helps parents build a close relationship with their children. The game has 5 decks, each with different icebreaker questions. The game is meant to be played without electronics, and is meant to be a light-hearted way to start a conversation with your children. more details
Key Features:
  • 5 decks of icebreaker questions to help parents build a close relationship with their children
  • Can be played without electronics
  • A light-hearted way to start a conversation with your children

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Current Price: R125.00


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Our Moments is a card game that helps parents build a close relationship with their children. The game has 5 decks, each with different icebreaker questions. The game is meant to be played without electronics, and is meant to be a light-hearted way to start a conversation with your children.

OUR MOMENTSis a series of thought provoking games developed by people just like you for you and your loved ones.
This is Alan. Im a proud parent of 3 super kids.Children who are growing up faster than I could have imagined and who I hope will always need me and know that I am always there for them.
Sounds great doesnt it?
But it can be so hard to get it across to them. They have to know that they can always come to you and that with you they will always be safe.
So how does one instill that confidence?Would you believe through play?
In this age of technology we have discovered that family time is often not a daily event for very many families and that the art of conversation is being replaced with emojis.
By asking the questions in this gameand listening closely to the answer, you can discover your childs deepest thoughts, wishes, aspirations and fears.
When you know your child you can help him or her to navigate this maze of a life!
So here it is for you and your kids. The game that I created so that I could really HEAR my kids and share in their amazing journey.
The teasers here are intended to give your child a voice and you the opportunity to listen, understand and guide.
There are no hard and fast rulesbut avoid turning the discussion into a lecture.
Keep it light and fun. In one card we ask the question - If you had a superpower, what would it be?
Depending on your childs answer, this can stimulate a full discussion which could go in any number of directions: what your child loves to do - climbing and jumping like Spider-man or is climbing and jumping something that your child fears.
Either way, it puts you in the unique position of being able to help through discussion, encouragement and love.
Not every discussion has to be deepand nor do you have to be a therapist or counselor to your child but a daily discussion can put you better in touch with your childs thoughts and feelings.
It makes a great present for birthdays,but you dont need a special reason to buy this Kids conversation starters game and enjoying a really
close relationship with your children.
We currently have 5 OUR MOMENTS decks for Families, Kids, Couples, Generations and an Adult version, each one with carefully thought out icebreaker questions.
Join us in our quest to keep the door open for the people closest and most important to us to come through at any time.
Everyone needs to know that they have someone they can rely on.
There are only a couple of rules to playing this game:
Put away the cell phones, iPads and video games (kids and parents).
There are no correct answers to the questions.
Do not judge!
Avoid dramatic reactions unless its to tell your kid how wonderful he/she is.
There are no offers currently available for this product. The last offer was seen on 06/03/2025 from KRAZe PRICE for R125.00
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