Mayo scissors are a type of surgical scissors that come in various lengths and are known for their durability. They are primarily used for cutting connective tissues, fascia, and sutures. The tips of the scissors are semi-blunt and they are available in curved or straight styles. These scissors were named after the Mayo Clinic, where they were invented. They are designed to cut rigid structures and have handles and blades of the same length.
Scissors Operating 15cm (13-182) - Mayo
Mayo scissors come various lengths. Their construction is extremely durable, and Mayo scissors are used tocut connective tissues, fascia and sutures, primarily. The tips are semi-blunt, and they are available in curved or straight styles. The Mayo Scissors has been namedafter the mayo clinic, as it invented scissors there. The Mayo Scissors are stout and built to cut rigid structures. The handles and blades (blades of scissors) are of the same length