This book is about the ethical implications of policing and human rights. It discusses how human rights have been affected by recent events, such as the Lawrence Inquiry and the implementation of the Human Rights Act in England and Wales. It also argues that securing and protecting human rights should be a major reason for public policing.
Ethical and human rights issues have assumed an increasingly high profile in the wake of miscarriages of justice, racism (Lawrence Inquiry), incompetence and corruption - in both Britain and overseas. At the same time the implementation of the Human Rights Act 1998 in England and Wales will have a major impact on policing, challenging many of the assumptions about how policing is carried out. This book aims to provide an accessible introduction to the key issues surrounding ethics in policing, links this to recent developments and new human rights legislation. It sets out a powerful case for a modern "ethical policing" approach. "Policing, Ethics and Human Rights" argues that securing and protecting human rights should be a major, if not the major, rationale for public policing.