The BDCOM 16-port EPON OLT P3600-16E is a rack-mounted EPON OLT that complies with IEEE802.3ah and PRC Community Industry Standard (YD/T 1475-2006). It supports the symmetric uplink/downlink 1.25Gbps PON transmission rate, efficient bandwidth usage, and Ethernet services, helping carriersto provide reliable services to their users. The splitting ratio of up to 1:64 enables it to support the hybridnetworking of different types of ONUs.
BDCOM 16-port EPON OLT P3600-16E
High-densityRack-mountedEPON OLT
BDCOM P3600 Series complies withIEEE802.3ah and PRC CommunityIndustry Standard (YD/T 1475-2006),and fully abides by theCTC2.1/3.0standard. P3600 Series canautomatically discover and workharmoniously with ONUs made bydifferent manufacturers to build
efficient EPON solutions. Currently,P3600 Series has 4 models: P3600-04/08/08E/16E.
BDCOM P3600 OLT supportsthe symmetric uplink/downlink1.25Gbps PON transmission rate,efficient bandwidth usage andEthernet services, helping carriersto provide reliable services to theirusers.
The splitting ratio of up to 1:64enables it to support the hybridnetworking of different typesof ONUs, which minimizes theoperator's investment.
BDCOM P3600, based on theindustry-leading technologies, isstrong in functions. A few of itsfunctions such as QoS guarantee,SLA and DBA can be easily listedout.
Support 1.25Gbpsuplink/downlinkbandwidth
Efficient bandwidthusage and Ethernetservices
The coupling ratioups to 1:64
Supports layer-3routing function
Technical Specification
Service Interface:
PON ports: 16
GE TX ports: 4
GE SFP ports: 4
10GE/GE SFP+ ports: 6
Supported GPONSFP module:PX20+, PX20++,PX20+++
Management interface:
RJ45 console: 1
Mini-USB console: 2
System capacity:
DRAM (MB): 512
Flash (MB): 32
Backplane (Gbps): 216
MAC table: 32k
Buffer size (MB): 2
Active VLAN:4,094
Total SVI: 512
Forwarding mode:Store-and-forward