This essay is a compilation of different social theorists who have contributed to the information society. Each theorist has their own insights that can be reintroduced into debates about the social, political and cultural impact of information and communication technologies. The theorists included are: Walter Benjamin, Murray Edeleman, Jacques Ellul, Harold Innes, Lewis Mumford, Karl Polanyi, Eric Elmer Scattachneider, and Raymond Williams.
With the aim of widening current perspectives on the information society, each contributor introduces a particular social theorist and discusses the way in which their insights can be reintroduced into debates regarding the social, political and cultural impact of information and communication technologies. Theorists include: Walter Benjamin; Murray Edeleman; Jacques Ellul; Harold Innes; Lewis Mumford; Karl Polanyi; Eric Elmer Scattachneider and Raymond Williams.