The book "Sue Vice: Holocaust Fiction" by Sue Vice discusses the controversies surrounding the publication of novels that represent the Holocaust. The novels examined include "Time's Arrow," "The White Hotel," "The Painted Bird," "Schindler's List," "Sophie's Choice," and "The Hand That Signed the Paper." These novels have been criticized for their violent mixed receptions. However, Vice argues that these novels can be used to examine the ethics and practice of millennial Holocaust literature.
Holocaut Fiction examines the controversies accompanying the publication of novels that represent the Holocaust. Sue Vice examines the most debatable of this genre of literature, the violently mixed receptions of these fictions, and offers what can concluded from their receptions about the ethics and practice of millennial Holocaust literature. Although several of the novels discussed won literary prizes on publication, they were also deplored and criticized. The Novels examined, including some for the first time are:
Time's Arrow by Martin Amis
The White Hotel by D.M. Thomas
The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosinsky
Schindler's List by Thomas Keneally
Sophie's Choice by William Styron
The Hand That Signed the Paper by Helen Darville In this gripping and compelling book, Vice surveys the fictional, critical and theoretical territory of these novels, and brings a new slant to the key debates and issues relevant to those looking at representations of the Holocaust.