In a galaxy-wide conflict, five factions are vying for control of the planet Vigilus: the Ultramarines, Orks, Chaos Marines, Aeldari Craftworlds, and Genestealer Cults. If the Nachmund Gauntlet collapses, the Imperium Nihilus is all but lost. To win the war, players must complete objectives, collect rewards, and conquer enemy territories.
The planet Vigilus is positioned in the Imperium Nihilus, near the Eye
of Terror in a dark region of space. Always a critical location, the
opening of the Great Rift escalated the importance of Vigilus
exponentially - as it serves as a key connection point between two
halves of the Imperium.
Thus it has come to pass that the forces of the Ultramarines, Orks,
Chaos Space Marines, Aeldari Craftworlds, and Genestealer Cults have
converged upon Vigilus and all-out war has erupted on the planet. Side
with one of these five formidable factions, and deploy all of your
might and strategy to obliterate your opponents in a battle for total
Complete objectives, collect rewards and conquer enemy territories for
ultimate glory. The fate of this distant world is worth a thousand
others. If it falls, if the Nachmund Gauntlet collapses, the Imperium
Nihilus is all but lost to us. The empire of Terra will soon follow.