This product is designed to help birds cope with stress, such as being handled, having their wings clipped, or traveling. It is made of special ingredients that help to replace the normal balance of vitamins and electrolytes in the bird's bloodstream, helping to restore their health. It is best to mix a fresh quantity each day, and to treat for three to five days.
Avi Stress Multivitamins & Electrolytes is Suitable for all Avian species. Birds that have undergone acute stress, like handling, wing and beak clipping or traveling, may have electrolyte and vitamin imbalances. Avi-stress is specially formulated to support and replace the normal vitamin and electrolyte balances in the bloodstream, allowing your birds to easily cope with these outside stress episodes. Add one rounded teaspoon (5g) Avi-Stress to 1 litre of drinking water. Treat for three to five days. Mix a fresh quantity daily.