The Powerpuff Girls is a cartoon series that revolves around the adventures of three kindergarten-aged girls with an array of superpowers. Fuzzy Lumpkins is the hillbilly enemy of the Powerpuff Girls, who also loves to play banjo.
Powerpuff Girls is the smash-hit Cartoon Network series that revolves
around the adventures of three kindergarten-aged girls with an array of
various superpowers: Blossom (pink), Bubbles (blue), and Buttercup
(green). The plot of an episode is usually some humorous variation of
standard superhero and tokusatsu shows, with the girls using their
powers to defend their town from villains and giant monsters.
This Pop! features Fuzzy Lumpkins, the hillbilly enemy of the Powerpuff
Girls, who also loves to play banjo.
Take a trip back to the 90's with Funko's new Powerpuff Girls Pop!
Vinyl Figures today!