This is a figure set of Peppa Pig and George, two characters from the animated show. The set includes a 12 cm Peppa Pig figure and a 10 cm George Pig figure, both of which are articulated and have movable heads, arms, and legs. The set is perfect for preschoolers who love watching the show and playing with the characters.
The Peppa And George Figure Set Features A 12 Cm Peppa Pig Figure And A
10 Cm George Pig Figure Giving Little Hands More To Love.Preschoolers
Will Love Acting Out All Of Peppa And Georges Fun Adventures With This
Peppa Figure Set.Both Figures Have Articulated Heads Arms And Legs So
Kids Can Imagine Favorite Scenes From Peppa Pig The Popular Animated
Series.This Adorable Peppa Pig Toy Makes A Fantastic Present For
Preschoolers And Peppa Pig Fans Ages 3 And Up.