These are Transformers Authentics Figures, which are inspired by popular characters from the Transformers universe. They are 14 cm tall and perfect for staging larger than life Transformers battles. Each figure comes with a weapon feature molded to its arm. Look for other Transformers Authentics Figures to add to your collection (each sold separately subject to availability).
Transformers Authentics Figures Are Inspired By Popular Characters From
The Transformers Universe. These Figures Are The Perfect Way To Start
Your Transformers Collection At A Great Value.Cybertron Battlers
Figures Are 14 Cm Tall Perfect For Staging Larger Than Life
Transformers Battles With Your Favorite Characters.These Optimus Prime
Figure Do Not Convert.Imagine Epic Autobot Vs. Decepticon Battles. Each
Figure Comes With A Weapon Feature Molded To Its Arm.Look For Other
Transformers Authentics Figures To Add To Your Collection (Each Sold
Separately Subject To Availability). Stage Epic Battles Between The
Autobots And Decepticons Inspired By The Transformers Universe.